- 論文の詳細を見る
A pilot run was done on an improved version of a sand erosIOn testing machine withthe option of controlling slurry temperature and speed. With the use of this machine, theexperiment was conducted on SS 400, SUS 430 F, SUS 304 and SUS 403 test specimens. Thefollowing results were obtained.(1) The improved sand erosion testing machine has an operational temperature rangefrom 293K to 343K with a temperature variation of ±0.5K. Also, it has an operationalslurry speed range from 5.5 mls to 10.5 mls with a speed variation of about 0.2 %. This isvery favorable in the study of temperature dependence and slurry speed dependence in sanderosion behavior.(2) The order of sand erosion resistance for SS 400, SUS 430 F, SUS 403 and SUS 304does not vary whichever temperature and whichever slurry speed is used.(3) The sand erosion behavior is highly dependent on slurry temperature and slurryspeed.(4) In the development of sand-erosion resistant materials, materials with high hardnessand good corrosion resistance was deduced to be advantageous.
- 秋田大学の論文
三浦 敏秋
伊藤 信雄
小松 芳成
鎌田 久雄
伊藤 信雄
伊藤 信雄[他]
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