- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes in environment surrounding today's nursing profession are remarkable. In a realm of nursing practice, the coming of nursing overflow is estimated. In a realm of nursing education ; on the other hand, rapid transition from conventional vocational education to university education is taken away. Considering all these changes, what sort of the vision is needed for nursing profession to achieve empowerment as a professional group? In this paper, the author examines the vision required for nursing profession to achieve empowerment as the professional group, from the perspective of organizational behavior theory. Two analysis, an analysis of presentation titles in Nursing Management Conference and an analysis of factors influencing nurses' leadership behavior were utilized for argument in this paper. It is clarifled that PM theory and SM theory are main theories on leadership utilized for nursing continuing education. However, because these theories were flourished over 30 years ago, it is necessary to introduce theory considering factors underlying today's changes. The differences in employed hospital, workplace, occupation, position, and education background were clearly found on recognition of leadership behavior in organization. In order for nurses to develop effective leadership behavior in their own workplaces, nurses need the foreseeing vision, not excessively influenced by existing conceptual idea.
- 広島文化学園大学の論文
- 1998-11-26
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