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It is well known that there are sharp differences in economic,political and cultural fields between North (Anglo) America and South (Latin) America. I have investigated the historical roots of these differences in my previous papers. In this paper,I will review five recently published books concerned with the comparative studies on North and South American history. The first book,M. Zavala's “Hispanoam?rica-Angloam?rica,causas y factores de su diferent evoluci?n", elucidates the differences between English and Spanish colonies in the New World. The second book is Meinig's “The Shaping of America : Atlantic America". He compares“Protestant Commercial America",with "Catholic Imperial America" in the new historical framework of “Atlantic World" which links together Europeans,Native Americans and Africans in the New World. In the third book,Batista investigates the historical background of the cultural differences between Anglo and Latin America (“Latinoamericanos y norteamericanos,cinco siglos de dos culturas”). In the fourth book,“Development and Underdevelopment in America",Bernecker et al. pay special attention to the analysis of the historical process which has produced the gap in economic development between the two Americas. The fifth book,Dealy's “The Latin Americans : Sprit and Ethos",analyzes the differences between the Northamericans and Latinamericans,contrasting the “private man" culture of the United States with the "public man" culture (or Caudillaje culture) of Latin America.
- 広島文化学園大学の論文
- 1995-12-22
- スペイン領ペルーにおける先住民の集住政策 : 副王トレドの政策を中心に
- 平出宣道著, 『アメリカ資本主義成立史研究』, 岩波書店、一九九四年一一月、三五六+一八頁、九〇〇〇円
- 最近の南・北アメリカ比較史研究
- エンリケ・セーモ著, 原田金一郎監訳, 『メキシコ資本主義史 : その起源、一五二一〜一七六三年』, 大村書店、一九九四年二月、v+三〇七頁、三六〇五円