ガソリン流通の二重系列構造 石油元売のマーケティング・チャネル再構築(2)
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At first, we must understand the structure of gasoline retailing industries in order to understand the influence of deregulation in the gasoline domestic marketing, and to consider what marketing channel oil company should use. At present the gasoline marketing structure has been formed by two regulations: one is entrance barriers at the refinery step, which makes the framework of the 100 percent refineries affiliated system; another is entrance barriers at the retailing step, which protect small marketing firms, at the same time , it has propelled the growth of large marketing companies. A consequence of these regulations, gasoline marketing structure is characterized by the double systematization structure, is the systematization of refineries and the systematization of large marketing companies. This paper clarifies the position of refineries dealer system in gasoline marketing and the formation procedure of large marketing companies. This paper considers the influence of the double systematization on oil companie's marketing channel strategies.
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