<原著論文>藤氏列伝未完説話の意味 : 今昔物語集巻二十二試論
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Volurne 22 of Konjaku-Monogatari-shu consists of eight tales, whose subject is the lives of Fujiwara family. It is well known that the eighth tale of it is incomplete. Though have been done on the reasons of its incomplete. Though many discussions have been done on the reasons of its incompleteness, a definite answer can not be drawn from them, so the question remains to be unsolved. This article tries to answer it from the point of view of Japanese ethics.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1997-03-19
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- 藤氏列伝未完説話の意味 : 今昔物語集巻二十二試論