ジョン・デューイのナショナリズム論 : 多民族社会と国民国家
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This paper is concerned with Dewey's thought of nationality, national state, immigrants and racism, to understand its original meaning and implications for approaching the recent controversy over multiculuralism. Dewey criticised the assimilationisit ideas of Anglo-conformity and Melting-pot. Instead, he proposed the vision of cultural pluralism as an ideal society in which there musut be a recognition of the cultural rights of each nationality and such political autonomy as may be consistent with the maintenance of general social unity. Dewey's thought of nationalism suggested the deconstruction of two assumptions of national state. It denied the national or ethnic homogeneity of national state and the unlimited national sovereignty.
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- ジョン・デューイのナショナリズム論 : 多民族社会と国民国家
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