- 論文の詳細を見る
Lateral bud growth, flowering and fruiting were examined in the raspberry primocane fruiting var. "Heritage" for the effects of topping and TIBA spray treatment. Instead of in July, the topping was done immediately following flower bud differentiation in June, and an increase was found in both lateral bud elongation and overall fruit bearing. By topping near the usual node order at the 20th node, the lateral bud elongation was controlled and the fruit volume was thought to be thereby assured. TIBA treatment by itself could be expected to yield virtually the same result as topping. However, compared to the pruning approach, a blooming enhancement effect was also suggested. Also, as different from other types of treatment, lateral buds were numerous but short. Treatment combining topping with TIBA, in the order of TIBA then topping, showed little advantage over TIBA alone in terms of overall fruit bearing.
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