<論文>カリキュラムにみる初期シカゴ学派 : 1905年から1930年まで
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the curricula of the department of sociology of the University of Chicago from 1905 to 1930. The material in this paper is derived mainly from the announcements for students about the contents of subjects offered by the department of sociology. It is concluded that the curricula can be classified into three periods. The first period is from 1905 to 1918. Albion W. Small, the first head of the department, adopted the policy of education that students should learn the reality of society by participating in the activities of the social reforms such as Hull-House made by Jane Addams. William I. Thomas, who was also among the first generation of the Chicago School and one of the most important sociologists of his day, was fired from the University of Chicago, largely due to his political activities. This event led to the end of the first period. The second period is from 1919 to 1926. Robert E. Park and Ernest W. Burgess, who were among the second generation and were said to have established the foundation of the School, had to distinguish between sociology and social reform. They emphasized "first-hand data collection" and "scientific theoretical framework." They took their students to various areas in Chicago for the purpose of field research. The third period is from 1927 to 1930. In 1927,William F. Ogburn at Columbia came to Chicago in order to strengthen the quantitative side of the department's work. From 1927 onward, the department gave more significance to the rigidity of methodology by teaching statistical methods. It should also be added that there is a common feature through the periods. Teachers held the students firmly to what he/she could see, hear, and experience at first-hand. It is this feature that distinguishes the education at Chicago from the one at Harvard or Columbia.
- 1998-12-25
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