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After detailed literature survey on algae separation by dissolved-air Flotation, coagulation-flotation chracteristics of cultivated algae were investigated by comparison with sedimentation. Tested algal species were Scenedesmus sp., Chlorella sp. and Microcystis sp.. Using a batch flotation tester, many coagulation-flotation/sedimentation maps were obtained with various coagulant dose, pH and raw water concentration. The results can be summarized as follows. (1) Optimum pH range is in the neutral zone, and it is almost the same for both flotation and sedimentation. (2) Flotation, however, is much more effective for algae separation than sedimentation, having the advantages of water quality, separating velocity and saving coagulant dose. (3) In the case of Scenedesmus sp., higher removal is achieved for high concentration, although the residual cell number itself can be lowered for low concentration for both flotation and sedimentation.
- 八戸工業大学の論文
- 1995-02-28
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