Acclimation for environment
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In heat environments, when adaptation to "heat-stress" is not yet formed, it leads to an increase in ratio of death owing to heart failier (5O% rising for average). The body adapts to heat stress by heart beating. An information of "heat-stress" is recieved by antero-hypothalamus (warmth neuron) via changes of brain blood flow and/or sense nerve from peripheral thermoreceptors. Then, vasodialation, enhanced heart rate and sweat secretion are caused by negative feedback regulation via autonomic nerve system. Continuously, check and integration of temperature through the hypothalamus are conducted by information from cutaneous, deep and visceral sensation. The exercise under the heat environment causes increase in heart-stroke, by rising muscle and brain temperature. After heat adaptation, Ald, ADH, plasma volume, stroke volume, venous return and sweat secretion increase. On the other hand, heart-rate and core temperature decrease. Cold stimulation, expresses shivering, pilomotor response and vasoconstraction at the first stage. After adapting cold environment, there is a chronical increase level of noradrenaline : regulatory nonshivering thermogenesis. Biological clock exists in the SCN which depend on light stimulation. SCN function play an important role for the control of functional biological rhythms.
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