近代日本における国家学の受容(その1) : 藤波言忠によるローレンツ・フォン・シュタインの講義筆記
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Lorenz von Stein (1815-1890) was influential in drafting the so-called Meiji Constitution. In 1880's many Japanese statesmen, bureaucrats, and scholars visited Stein on the outskirts of Vienna to study the main points of Staatswissenschaft and to receive important instructions and suggestions for the future Constitution of Japan. Among those who called on Stein, we find Fujinami Kototada. Fujinami had been sent with special instructions from the Meiji oligarchies, especially Ito Hirobumi. Ito himself had been greatly influenced by Stein's theory, which was quite helpful in establishing an absolutistic constitution. Fujinami served as a very faithful custodian of Emperor Meiji's household affairs from his childhood. Therefore, if Fujinami attended the personal lectures of Stein, Ito thought it would be easy for Emperor Meiji to understand the core of Staatswissenschaft through Fujinami. In this article, by examining Fujinami's lecture-notes, the theory of state Emperor Meiji received is analysed.
- 敬愛大学・千葉敬愛短期大学の論文
- 陸奥宗光と元老院
- ドイツの教科書に見る戦後日本像の変遷
- ドイツの教科書にみる近代日本像の変遷
- 近代日本における国家学の受容(その二・完):藤波言忠によるローレンツ・フォン・シュタインの講義筆記
- 近代日本における国家学の受容(その1) : 藤波言忠によるローレンツ・フォン・シュタインの講義筆記
- Mutsu Munemitsu and His Lecture Notes from Lorenz von Stein