- 論文の詳細を見る
ERTS, the first earth observation satellite, was launched in 1972. It succeeded in imaging the earth's surface a distance of 900km in Space. It provided images of the earth's surface 185km square with a resolution of 80m. The satellite received visible and near-infrared spectrums which were divided into 4 bands each. Data was racorded digitally and processed by computer. ERTS, later renamed LANDSAT, created a great deal of interest in remote-seneing satellites. The use of computers and LANDSAT made aerial photography techniques obsolete ushering in a new era of remote-sensing. Following the success of LANDSAT, many developed countries missions instruments and launched satellites. LANDSAT-5,now in orbit, has the ability to image 30m ground resolution and receive 7 spectrum bands. France launched SPOT with a 10m resolution. In Japan, MOS-1 (Marine Observation Satellite) was launched in 1987. The satellite has a resolution of 50m with 4 spectrum bands. Tokai University Research & information Center, established in 1974 at Yoyogi, Tokyo for the purpose of image processing of remote-sensing data, is growing as the use of remote sensing satellites progresses. In addition, the Tokai University Space Information Center was opened at Kumamoto, Japan for receiving, anaiyzing, and transmitting MOS-1 and other satellite data. This report outlines the facilities of the Tokai University Space Information Center and some of its techniques for extracting available data from signals transmitted by MOS-1 and other satellites.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
- 1991-03-20
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- 高校ー大学の理科教育連携に関する調査 : 北海道東海大学57年度生に対するアンケート結果について(化学を主体として,その1)
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- P307 可視赤外イメージャーの雲判別性能に関する基礎調査(その2)(ポスター・セッション)