合衆国国立自然史博物館所蔵サハリン・アイヌ資料の背景について : 札幌農学校はいかにして関わったか
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In this article, the author states and discusses the collection history of the Sakhalin Ainu materials in the "Hitchcock Collection" of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. It has been recognized that these materials were obtained through an exchange with Sapporo Agricultural College and were collected at Tsuishikari near Sapporo, so far. The author discovered the record to back up its collection history, at the Museum of Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University (formerly, the Museum of Sapporo Agricultural College). From the record, it is proven that "Sapporo Agricultural College" did not collected the Sakhalin Ainu materials at Tsuishikari but purchased them at a folk art (or curio) shop in Sapporo. The author emphasizes that H. E. Stockbridge (chemist and professor of Sapporo Agricultural College, then) played an important role as an intermediator between Hitchcock and Sapporo Agricultural College, during the collecting process of Ainu materials.
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- 合衆国国立自然史博物館所蔵サハリン・アイヌ資料の背景について : 札幌農学校はいかにして関わったか
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- 博物館学芸員課程活動報告(2003年度)
- 博物館学芸員課程活動報告(2002年度)
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