スーダンのハルワ(クルアーン学校) : 予備的報告
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce some aspects of the activities of the khalwa-s (Qur'anic schools) in the Sudan, where I visited during my field research conducted in 1986,1989 and 1994. Firstly, I present functions of khalwa in Mahmudab, a village along the Nile in the Northern Sudan, where I lived for more than five months all together and carried out intensive fieldwork. In 1986,a group of migrant students (muhajirun) from the Dar Fur region stayed in the khalwa there and spent their time exclusively memorizing various verses of the Qur'an. When I visited the village again in 1994,the migrant students had gone and two Qur'anic teachers coming from the Jazira region of the Central Sudan lived in the khalwa to teach how to recite the Qur'an to some boys and many women in the village. Secondly, I refer briefly to activities of some khalwa-s established in some villages along the Nile river and the Atbara river. I then turn to describe the ways of Islamic teaching in Hamshukurib, a town located near the Ethiopian and Eritrean borders. The khalwa there was founded by a Beja shaikh, Ali Bitay, more than forty years ago and is now well known in the Sudan. Many pious young Muslims like to come and stay in the town to advance their Islamic learning. The daily life in the town, a schedule of stdy in the khalwa and some opinions of students coming outside are explained, as well as a short history of the khalwa and its founder.
- 上智大学の論文
- 1996-12-26
- コメント : インド亜大陸の外から (原理主義と宗教ナショナリズム : ヒンドゥー・ナショナリストとは誰か?)
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- スーダンのハルワ(クルアーン学校) : 予備的報告
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