影論(スキアロジー) : リクールの哲学への方位を求めて
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The author tries to develop a philosophy of shadow (skialogy) through analysis of the phenomena of the shadow. In the philosophy of the 21st century, the problem of shadow is essential for thinking about the relationship between positivity and negativity in technological circumstance. This paper is composed of five parts : 1. substance and shadow; 2. dark and light in Japanese culture; 3. intermezzo (the artwork of Velasques's "Las Meninas" - the role of mirror); 4. Cosmological Intellectus and its shadow in Islamic thought; 5. on the bad in Ricoeur, 6. metaphor and shadow. The author has clarified the structure of the Double. By considering the "Metaphors vive (Vivid Metaphor^)" and dialogues between Ricoeur and Imamichi, the author traces examples of vivid metaphor. Finally, the orientation to the interpretation-theory will be suggested through the structure of the metaphor in discourse.
- 青山学院女子短期大学の論文
- 2002-12-10
- アジアの自然と文化
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