ビワクンショウモの増殖特性 : III.窒素・微量金属・ビタミン類と増殖
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Growth characteristics of Pediastrum biwae, which is very famous green alga in Lake Biwa, have been investigated under various conditions of nitrate, trace metals and vitamins. Adopting the total chlorophyll (chlorophyll a and b) as an indicator of the algal mass, the following properties have been revealed: 1) The optimum concentration of nitrogen (NO3-N, expressed by nitrogen weight) is about 41.2 ppm. The excess of nitrogen in the medium is rather inhibitory, reducing both the growth rate and the final yield. The shortage decreases the final yield without making any effect on the gowth rate. 2) Vitamins and trace metals, except iron, are not essential to the growth. 3) The deficiency of iron is very influential, lowering both the growth rate and the final yield.
- 滋賀大学の論文
- 1984-03-10
- 6-5.携帯電話とGPSロガーを活用した草花DB付き 草花固定・観察マップ作成支援システムの開発と評価
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