- 論文の詳細を見る
Those philosophical endeavours to alleviate the painful sentiment of 'Wonder' which Adam Smith finds in his three essays on the 'Principles which lead and direct philosophical enquiries' include the classsification of the external singular objects on the one hand, and the supposition of an invisible chain of intermediate events on the other. The first essay on the 'History of Astronomy' to illustrate the above 'Principles' concentrates on the theme of finding an invisible chain, whereas the second essay on the 'History of the Ancient Physics' stresses the importance of the role of the classification. In the third essay on the 'History of the Ancient Logics and Metaphysics' which continues the same theme as that of the 'Ancient Physics', Smith finds the dangerous tendency of the classification to fall into the unproductive 'Scholastic Logic' inattentive to the concrete individual events. He finds the productive classification in the new field of the 'Natural History' emerging in the the 18th century.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 1999-12-31
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- アダム・スミスの「外部感覚論」について
- スコットランド民兵論とアダム・スミス
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- アダム・スミスとスコラ論理学
- アダム・スミスとレトリック
- アダム・スミスにおける二組の徳性 : amiable virtues と respectable virtues
- Ross, Ian Simpson, The Life of Adam Smith, Second Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, xxxii+589pp.
- 田中秀夫・山脇直司編, 『共和主義の思想空間-シヴィック・ヒューマニズムの可能性』, 名古屋大学出版会, 2006, ix+555+8頁
- ハチスン,フランシス著, 田中秀夫・津田耕一訳, 『道徳哲学序説』, 京都大学学術出版会, 2009, 405+xxix+xii頁
- 大島幸治, 『アダム・スミスの道徳哲学と言語論』, お茶の水書房, 2008, vi+469+vii頁