- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, I have constructed a new macro- enonometric model, and have used it in calculating estimates of what I call the processof "democratic reformation" based on recent macro- level data. "Democratic reformation" refers to a series of economic policies for stabilizing and improving both labourers' lives and creating ahealthy environment without restricting the behaviour of monopo-listic capitalists, after the coming to power of a democratic party with the support of labour. My model has 101 endogenous and 23 exogenous variables, including 6 dummy variables. This model is characterised by thefollowing features:(1)a mark-up price function;(2)an investment function based on the Harrod-Okishio instability theory;(3)a mark-up wage function;(4)the money supply as an endogenous variable;(5)newly issued national bonds and the balance of national debt as endogenous variables;(6)the stock price, the exchange rate and the current account balance as endogenous variables.Using this model I have simulated and tried to forecast changes in the Japanese economy from the first quarter of 1996 to the first quarter of 2006. Using this simulation, Japan's ecomonic growth rate is calculated at 2.10%. The profit rate will be on the decrease and the unemployment rate will be on the increase for the next 10years, and the financial deficit will increase. These results clearly suggest that the democratic reform of the JapaneSe economy is inevitable.
- 滋賀大学の論文
- 1998-02-27
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