- 論文の詳細を見る
With a globalization of capital markets are more important for global players. Therefore, an interest in a market-oriented accounting as a sub-system of securities markets has increased. A typical market-oriented accounting is 'American-Type′ of accounting. And the International Accounting Standards are also characterized as a market-oriented accounting. On the other hand, the objetive Of 'German- Type' of accounting,which includes accounting systems based on the Japanese comercial Code as well as the German Comercial Code, are to regulate campanies. For German and Japanese global players such as DaimlerBenz or Sony, a market-oriented accounting has been more important. In this paper a genelization of a market-oriented accounting and the reconciliation of a market-oriented accounting to an accounting system based on the Comercial Code as a campany, regulating accounting shall be discussed.
- 1997-05-31
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