- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper argues that Yanagi Soetsu, who was the leader of folk craft movement in Japan, recognized the relationship between Object and emotion not as a separate but as an integrated one. It describes how he built his theory of folk craft by applying his method of cognition to the main features of craftsmanship, functional beauty, and direct appeal. What he found consequently in folk craft were the qualities of well-being, innocence, and peace. He also discovered the heartwarming interrelationship between nature, goods, and men(both makers and users). On the basis of this, he criticizedmodern society where machine production is so dominant that such a relationship is rarely seen. However, Yanagi's theory also has various contradictions within it, so this paper tries to indicate a solution to these probrems.
- 滋賀大学の論文
- 1996-07-31
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