家族関係単純図式投影法 : 家族アセスメントの視点から
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A method of "Figures of Family Relationships" is one of "Schematic Projective Techniques(SPT)" designed by Mizusima(1978), in which subjects make family figures using simple materials according to their feelings. It is the simple dynamic projective technique as a tool of psychometrics, psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy. For the past decade, we have reported many studies on it. The purpose of this paper is to show useful points as a family assessment on Figures of Family Relations by summarizing those studies. It was suggested that a method of Figures of Family Relationships was useful to assess the following aspects: family structure, family satisfaction, the difference of perceived mental distance among family members, the difference of family member's perception between real family relationship and ideal family relationship, and the change of family relationships on the psychotherapeutic process.
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