Reduced spontaneous activity of mice defective in the ε4 subunit of the NMDA receptor channel
- Comparison of the three mouse G-protein-activated K^+ (GIRK)channels and functional couplings of the opioid receptors with theGIRKI channel
- Effects of sigma ligands on the cloned μ- ,δ- and κ-opioid receptors co-expressed with G-protein-activated K^+ (GIRK)channel in Xenopus oocytes
- マウスG蛋白質活性型K+チャネルmRNAの脳内分布 : サブタイプ間にみられる相異
- Molecular cloning of a mouse G-protein-activated K^+ channel (mGIRK1) and distinct distributions of three GIRK (GIRK1, 2 and 3)mRANs in mouse brain
- Functional couplings of the δ- and the κ-opioid receptors withthe G-protein-activated K^+ channel
- Molecular and functional diversity of the NMDA receptor channel
- Reduced spontaneous activity of mice defective in the ε4 subunit of the NMDA receptor channel
- Involvement of the glutamate receptor δ2 subunit in the long-term depression of glutamate responsiveness in cultured rat Purkinje cells
- Impairment of motor coordination, Purkinje cell synapse formation, andcerebellar long-term depression in GluR δ 2 mutant mice