<ORIGINAL ARTICLE>Study on Microstructure of Adhesive Interface after Caries Removal by Er : YAG laser
Division of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Department of Oral Health Science, Niiga
Division of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Department of Oral Health Science, Niiga
TATE Yasuaki
Division of Cariology, Department of Oral Health Science, Course for Oral Life Science, Niigata Univ
Tate Yasuaki
Division Of Cariology Department Of Oral Health Science Course For Oral Life Science Niigata Univers
Okamoto Akira
Division Of Cariology Operative Dentistry And Endodontics Department Of Oral Health Science Niigata
Okamoto A
Division Of Cariology Operative Dentistry And Endodontics Department Of Oral Health Science Niigata
Shigetani Yoshimi
Division Of Cariology Operative Dentistry And Endodontics Department Of Oral Health Science Niigata
Okamoto Akira
Division Of Cariology Niigata University Gradeate School Of Medical And Dental Science For Oral Life
Shigetani Yoshimi
Division Of Cariology Department Of Oral Health Science Course For Oral Life Science Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
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- Study on Microstructure of Adhesive Interface after Caries Removal by Er : YAG laser
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