Social Organization and the Management of Natural Resources : A Case Study of Tat Hamlet, a Da Bac Tay Ethnic Minority Settlement in Vietnam's Northwestern Mountains
Tran Duc
Center for Agricultural Research and Environmental Studies, Hanoi Agricultural University
Tran Duc
Center For Agricultural Research And Environmental Studies Hanoi Agricultural University
Rambo A.
Tran Duc
Center For Agroecological Research And Evironmental Studies(cares) Hanoi Agricultural University
Rambo A.Terry
- A Nutrient Balance Analysis of the Sustainability of a Composite Swiddening Agroecosystem in Vietnam's Northern Mountain Region(Sustainable Agro-resources Management in the Mountainous Region of Mainland Southeast Asia)
- Preface(Environmental Consciousness in Southeast and East Asia: Comparative Studies of Public Perceptions of Environmental Problems in Hong Kong(China), Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam)
- Culture, Envionment, and Farming Systems in Vietnam's Northern Mountain Region
- Social Organization and the Management of Natural Resources : A Case Study of Tat Hamlet, a Da Bac Tay Ethnic Minority Settlement in Vietnam's Northwestern Mountains
- Methodology and Major Findings of a Comparative Research Project on Environmental Consciousness in Hong Kong (China), Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam(Environmental Consciousness in Southeast and East Asia: Comparative Studies of Public Percept
- Environmental Consciousness in Vietnam(Environmental Consciousness in Southeast and East Asia: Comparative Studies of Public Perceptions of Environmental Problems in Hong Kong(China), Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam)
- Some Key Issues Relating to Sustainable Agro-resources Management in the Mountainous Region of Mainland Southeast Asia(Sustainable Agro-resources Management in the Mountainous Region of Mainland Southeast Asia)
- Preface(Sustainable Agro-resources Management in the Mountainous Region of Mainland Southeast Asia)
- 書評 Dang Nghiem Van. Ethnological and Religious Problems in Vietnam. Hanoi: Social Sciences Publishing House, 1998, 534p.
- Jean Michaud, ed. Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples : Mountain Minorities in the South-East Asian Massif. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 2000, 269p.