Calculation of Y^k-function in the Electronic Structure of Atoms
松岡 修
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry
松岡 修
Department Of Engineering Physics
大原 克一
Department of Engineering Physics
- Accurately Energy : Optimized Gaussian Basis Sets for Hydrogen 1s through 5g Orbitals
- Accurately Energy-Optimized Gaussian Basis Sets for Hydrogen 1s through 5g Orbitals
- Accurately Energy-Optimized Gaussian Basis Sets for Hydmgen Atom
- Accurately Energy-Optimized Gaussian Basis Sets for Hydrogen Atom
- Calculation of Y^k-function in the Electronic Structure of Atoms
- Gaussian Expansions for Hartree-Fock Wave Functions of Fluorine and Manganese Ions. II
- Gaussian Expansions for Hartree-Fock Wave Functions of Fluorine and Manganese Ions