- 論文の詳細を見る
A most remarkable feature of the series-diode-system thyristor bridge is the posibility of commutation over the whole range of control angle of retardation from negative to positive, when the bridge acts as a controlled rectifier. If two bridges of this type are connected in parallel and one of them is controlled with control angle -α and then requires the leading current from a.c. source, and if the another is controlled with control angle +α and then requires the lagging current from a.c. source, the interaction between them not only brings the unity displacement factor, but also decreases the containing higher harmonics and then improves the total power factor compared with the ordinary thyristor bridge acting at control angle +α. By this method, it is possible to improve a fault of low power factor in the usual controlled thyristor bridge rectifier and also to contribute the prevention of inductive interference to the communication line by decreasing the higher harmonics.
- 山梨大学の論文
- 三相複合PWM電圧形インバータ
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- S.F.クレーマー方式と等価回路とブロックダイヤグラムおよび伝達関数