- 論文の詳細を見る
The Hardy-Cross method of balancing heads is often used for calculating water distribution networks. It is necessary to set initial flows of individual pipes in a network so that it may be balanced quickly. A graphical method was studied to assume initial distribution of flows of some networks with two circuits. First, some networks, each of them has one inflow point of unit incoming flow and one outflow point of the same flow, were calculated and shown on some graphs. Then some other networks with two circuits, which have one inflow point of unit flow and two or more outflow points, were calculated. As initial assumptions, flows of the corresponding pipelines of each network, that flew out at one of the same positions of the network with two or more outflow points, were added in proportional to each outflow. The closeness of the first estimate of flow distribution was satisfactory. The errors between initial assumptions and final estimations were less than 5% of the incoming flow in all cases being studied, and in most cases only one, two, or often no corrections were found to be necessary unitl the value of correction decreased to less than 1% of the incoming flow.
- 山梨大学の論文
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