「哲人パーカー・アダスン」と「ハムレット」 : ビアスに見るシェイクスピアの影響(1)
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If we read some short stories of Ambrose Bierce, there we will be able to point out quotations from the Works of William Shakespeare. In his ambitious days in San Francisco, Bierce was advised to read the works of Shakespeare by James Watkins, the chief editor editor of NEWS LETTER, in 1819. This advice was an instructive one to establish his style of creation. At the same time, we must admit the influence of Shakespeare on Bierce, from the point of view of various aspects. The primary purpose of this paper is to present the functional relation of words and elements between Bierce and Shakespeare. For fulfillment the aim, the writer selected two Works as the comparative material. They are "PARKER ADDERSON, PHILOSOPHER" and "HAMLET" Both Works have common points; 1. the beginning with interrogative sentence. 2. frail (frailty). 3. the idea on death, and 4. silence (silent). This part I deals with the former two points. The writer tried to clarify notable features and characteristics of the effects severally. Concerning 1,it will be possible to venture that the opening interrogative sentence conducts us to the core of the work powerfully . Then 2,the word frail (frailty) undertakes one of the duty of resisting the plot of the work, in spite of its weak essence, but effective one. This paper is an approach to the study of Bierce.
- 1981-03-30