米領下マニラの初期日本人商業, 1898-1920 : 田川森太郎の南方関与(<特集>「近代日本の南方関与」 II )
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This study is about the involvement of an ordinary individual in the Philippines during the Meiji period. Jose Moritaro Tagawa, 1864-1920,was a well-known businessman in Manila during the first half of the American period. This paper discusses the details of his life and activities and also describes the early Japanese commercial sector in Manila. Tagawa's involvement was purely accidental, as can be seen from his family background and lack of education. It was the flexible nature of his character which enabled him to adapt to Philippine culture. He was the first Japanese to settle in Manila on a long-term basis around 1891. Being a trader and Japanese married to a Filipina, he lived in a multicultural setting and was able to link Filipinos, Westerners, and Japanese. He pioneered in the development of Japanese commerce in Manila but after World War I he retreated from the forefront of business and the Japanese community. This action seems to be largely due to a deep sentimental attachment to Japan.
- 京都大学の論文
- 日比賠償交渉 : 1953年岡崎のフィリピン訪問再考
- 1987年フィリピン憲法の任命条項 : 条文解釈をめぐる論争
- フィリピンにおける閣僚の社会的背景の分析,1953-1986 : 出身職業と帰属言語集団を中心に
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- 日比賠償外交交渉,1953年5月-1954年4月 : 官僚的積極外交と現実的政治外交
- 日比賠償外交交渉,1951年9月-1953年4月 : 官僚的守勢と政治的攻勢
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- フィリピンの政治的正当性の一考察 : 変革への試練
- 米領下マニラの初期日本人商業, 1898-1920 : 田川森太郎の南方関与(「近代日本の南方関与」 II )