ベトナム北部農村における社会変容と女性労働 : バックニン省チャンリエット村の事例から
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This study focuses on the transformation of the relationship between the agricultural cooperative (hop tac xa san xuat nong nghiep) and peasant family households (ho gia dinh) in the last 40 years. Particular attention is given to the women's labour covering both socialist collectivized agriculture and economic liberalization (Doi Moi) in the period 1958-1998. Previous studies have regarded Vietnamese coopeartives simply as economic organizations and have failed to grasp other important aspects of cooperatives such as their social function. This study looks at the socialization of women's domestic work through the provision of creches (nha tre) and reveals that the social function of the cooperatives supported the socio-economic lives of family households in the village. It is also noted that the period of development of cooperatives overlapped with the period of the Vietnam war, 1960-1975. The main finding reported here is that the introduction of the subcontracting system in 1980 brought about major socio-economic change in Trang Liet Village by releasing women from group works inside the cooperative. Women began to collect and sell recycled goods in areas around the village to earn money, so peasant households did not depend on income determined by workpoints of the cooperative, and the cooperative creche also met great difficulties because it could not cope with women's demands regarding working time, income and so on. Resolution 10 of 1988 meant that the Party and State confirmed the family farming system and abolished the collectivized agricultural production system.
- ベトナムにおける農村間人口移動 : メコンデルタ「新経済村」研究報告
- ベトナム北部農村における社会変容と女性労働 : バックニン省チャンリエット村の事例から
- 集団化解体以降のカインハウ社における農業賃労働の実態に関する一考察(20世紀メコン・デルタの開拓)
- ドイモイ以降のベトナム農村コミュニティの再編 : 紅河デルタ村落コックタイン合作社の自治機能をめぐって