大規模大学中央館における参考業務の実態 : 昭和 62 年度調査
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The authors attempted to survey by questionnaire data the actual condition of reference services performed in the main libraries in large universities (twenty-nine national universities, three public universities, and thirty private universities). The aspects of the survey, conducted in 1987,were : (1) organization; (2) staffing; (3) physical arrangements of the reference departments; (4) services provided; (5) reference questions; and (6) reference collections. The activities carried on by libraries surveyed were as follows; answering reference questions (95%); instruction in the use of books and the library (93%); preparation and dissemination of library guides and other publications (94%); online information retreival service (65%); maintaining and care of reference collections (100%); recommendation to purchase of general library materials (92%); compiling bibliographies and indexes (65%); organizing and maintaining information files (53%); planning books displays (90%); contributing to regional bibliographical projects (39%); photocopying service (100%); interlibrary loans (85%); in-service trainning for reference staff (19%), and recording reference questions and taking reference statistics (89%).
- 東京大学の論文
- 1989-03-30
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- 大規模大学中央館における参考業務の実態 : 昭和 62 年度調査
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