- 論文の詳細を見る
After the Second World War, Japanese school system was going to be built based on principles which were recommended in American Education Mission Report. In these principles, "Decentralization" and "Equality of Opportunity" would have to be realized in educational finance system. In order to realize "Decentralization", block grant seems to be the best. Many scholars who are against strong central control insist on this subsidy system and oppose specific grant system. But at the same time, among educationalists, there has been strong feeling or fear of difficulty to get enough money for education under block grant system. In 1950, when new block grant system was introduced after the old specific grant had been abolished, there were so many Bills which tried to fix the amount of expenditure for education within new block grant. After so many amendments and changes were made, this trial brought back the specific grant system again. From this fact, some scholars believe that this specific grant system in Japan is very stable and un-changeable. But they seem to forget that when this system was re-introduced, many important points, especially relationship between "Decentralization" and "Equality of Opportunity" were discussed and not resolved. Furthermore, this system was introduced, giving up the idea of establishing educational finance system based on educational principles.
- 東京大学の論文
- 1991-03-30
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