<原著>ボランティア資産育成に関する要因研究 : ボランティアとクライアントの意識の比較から
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Administration and business community has a great interest in the social welfare activities and the worth of existence of the social welfare activities becomes big in recent years. And, the social welfare activities are acknowledged as important social property and the maintenance cultivating of the worth is an important subject. The purpose of this research is to examine the necessary element for social welfare activities cultivating. The method is the comparison between the recognition of the social welfare activities of social welfare activities and client. The object is 67 total of 33 social welfare activities with 34 handicapped persons of the handicapped person's scuba diving clubs. I mailed the questionnaire that consists of the questions of 27 items regarding the person, activities, organizations of the social welfare activities to the social welfare activities and clients and got the reply from all the subjects. Although the result suggested a big difference to the opinion between the social welfare activities and clients, in two items of "gratitude" and "the compensation", the opinion to the item of "joint" agreed with both. In this case, the social welfare activities are conceivable that the client is requesting sociality and mental strength aiming at self realization, as the manifestation of self, and there was a difference in consciousness between the social welfare activities and client. This difference is a dilemma for, one organization and conceivable with one of the factors that must consider it sufficiently with future social welfare activities utilization. I schedul to examine it about the factor that hinders social welfare activities utilization with the view point called the change and human care service of the social welfare activities consciousness by the difference of the client, from now on.
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