- 論文の詳細を見る
It is well known that when hole machining was carried out by EDM using a straight electrode pipe, the hole diameters became different at the inlet and outlet of the machining.This shape irregularity is caused by the electrode wear and the eroded particles. In previous paper, a new method was proposed for diminishing the diameter differences of the hole by EDM using a stepped electrode pipe. This paper describes the application of this stepped electrode mthod to the square hole machining. Following experimental results were obtained. (1) The difference in the side-wall length of a square hole is diminished by using a stepped electrode pipe. (2) Straight square hole of desired side wall length can be machined by using a stepped electrode pipe. (3) Radii of corner being formed at the inlet and outlet of the straight square hole are equal to each other and equal to the are gap. (4) Square hole machining from rough to tine surface finishing are possible changing the condenser capacity by EDM using stepped eiectrode pipe.
- 東海大学の論文
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