- 論文の詳細を見る
In the 1980's, "Public-private partnerships" has been one of the most fashionable ideas for urban development in the US. Development in the US has traditionally occurred through a conventional process in which the public sector made a broad plan, regulated land use, and provided infrastructures, while the private developer formulated a specific plan, obtained permission, and developed the site independently. Cities, however, has faced the cross-pressures such as economic upheavals, spreading taxpayer revolts, and federal cutbacks in the mid-1970s. City officials had to take responsibility for local economic development, select projects, and do it all with less federal aid and no local tax increases. Cities has become co-investors and deal makers in private development projects. They has begun to contact developers in earlier stage, make most important decisions by negotiating face to face with the developer and has push forward urban development. They succeeded in transforming the nation's downtown through partnership developments. The aim of this paper is to show the specific features of the urban development through public-private partnerships in the US. The cases of Pasadena's Plaza Pasadena, St. Paul's Town Square, and San Diego's Horton Plaza are examined for the argument.
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