学生生活への心理的不適応に関する研究 : 第4回カレッジ・コミュニティ調査資料の再分析
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the date of the survey that the Institute for Integrated Communication Research and Development of Kwansei Gakuin University conducted in 1985,in order to investigate the factors related to students' psychological maladjustment to their university life. The random sample of 2,826 undergraduate students, representing the total population of thenenrolled urdergraduates of the university were used in this study. The effective number of the sample was 1,233 (the effetive collecting rate, 43.60/%) The present study examined the following problems. L. The first problem was to clarify what factors were mainly related with students' psychological maladjustment to their university life. Using Hayashi's Quantification Theory Type I, I set up "psychological maladjustment to the university life" as the external criterion variable and 29 items as the explanatory variables, the latter of which include 7 demographic attributes, 6 items about classroom activities 2 items about extra-curricular or leisure activities, 6 items about the contact with professors, 3 items about university facilities like the computer center, 2 items about students' life 'and 3 subscale scores from Pace' CUES (College and University Environment Scores). The resulting multicorrelation coefficient R between the external variable and 29 variables was .6411 ; hence, the coefficent of determination was R^2 = .41 10. The analysis revealed that the variables highest correlated with "psychological maladjustment" was the students' feeling of satisfaction with the university life, though the variable thus obtained and the students' feeling of satisfaction were, so to speak, just like both sides of a coin. The second important variable was found in the degree of importance that the respondents attached to the ordinary lectures ; attaching importance to the lectures increased the students"'psychological adjustment, " while neglecting them, their maladjustment. The third variable was the respondent's evaluation of the university, that is, the evaluation of whether the university they attended would exert good influence on their career ; the lower the evaluation, the greater the maladjustment. The fourth variable was concerned with the respondents' participation in the seminar. Those who participated in the seminar gained "adjustment", while those who did not might gain "maladjustment". The fifth variable was about the respondents' views on the seminar activities Those who considered the activities important promoted "adjustment", while those who did not, "maladjustment". The variables from the sixth to the tenth were the most important group of variables among the 29 variables next to the group of variables from the first to the fifth mentioned above. They were as follows : the sixth variable was concerned with the study hours for the seminar, the seventh variable was the average monthly expenditure, the eighth variable was class attendance (the average hours of attendance per week), the ninth variable was the year the respondents were in, and the tenth variable was the department they belonged to. Among the variables below the tenth, a group of variables concerning the contact with professors was worthy of note. But it did not serve to explain effectively the criterion variable, " psychological maladjustment to the university life". 2. The second problem was a study of comparison between the students who attended the university directly from their parents' home and those who attended the university from the boarding houses. As in the case of analysing the first problem, I used the method of Hayashi's Quantification Theory I , and I chose 28 variables as the explanatory variables. The multi-correlation coefficients were .6490 in the case of the students who came to the university directly from their parents' home, while .7055 in the case of the students who lived away from their parents. The coefficients of determination therefore were R^2
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