- 論文の詳細を見る
The preface to the report deals with the direction and ideas which governed the innovations shaped by the School of Sociology prior to 1987. The preface also includes information concerning research undertaken on curriculum development at several universities in the Kanto area ; schools such as I. C. U., Sophia University, Tokai University and Dokkyo University are specifically mentioned. The general direction of innovation at the School of Sociology was a direct result of the research at universities in the Kanto area. The main research findings were as follows : (1) The overall goal(s) of university (higher) education should be clearly defined in order to effect a better quality English education curriculum. (2) All newly developed university programs are constantly revised and implemented. In addition, these programs reflect the needs of students and society at large. As a result, the overall competitiveness of the English programs is very high. (3) Administrative support is crucial to the success of these English education programs. Administration policy must be flexible in order to carry out various innovations in both research and on-going education. (4) Compared to Kangaku, there is a more manageable teacher-student ratio at these other schools. In addition, there is less reliance on part-timers, and more reliance on native speaker teachers. The first steps in innovation were carried out in Eikaiwa I at the School of Sociology ; this is reported in Chapter I of the report. Registration procedures, class size, and the amount of class time were all changed. Entry procedures for the course were determined by scores on the JACET Listening Test ; however, due to delays in grading and scoring, registration was determined by using an in-house marking system. It was the intention of the program to separate applicants into basic and intermediate levels of proficiency, but this could not be effected due to the inability of the JACET test to measure speaking ability or aptitude. To compensate for this inadequacy, interviews were administered to place applicants into their appropriate levels. Furthermore, it was concluded that two 45-minute classes weekly were more instrumental than one 90 minute class in changing students' learning attitudes (see Appendix A). In Chapter 1,the 1989 innovation was carried out with the aim of having a "contentarea" approach in Eikaiwa 1,and also with the introduction of a teaching assistant as a regular and on-going support person in class. This innovation confirmed the idea that although Eikaiwa classes tend to be "skill oriented, " they are in fact more effective in stimulating students' needs to learn English when a content-context approach is also adopted. Another important result of this first innovation was that native and Japanese teachers of English could effectively work together. An overall approach would be modified by the individual teachers different emphases in their respective fields of interest and concern. The latest innovation (1991) is reported in Chapter 3. Eikaiwa 1,which is usu, ally the domain of native speaker teachers, was integrated (in terms of the course goals) into two required courses, Otsu I-II, which are normally the domain of Japanese teachers. Classes in Otsu I-II would be taught by two teachers, one Japanese and the other non-Japanese (native speaker), both working together with the same overall course goals in mind, and both using the same material. The once a week concept of English instruction was now replaced by a twice-a-week team teaching concept ; this coupled with the fact that Otsu I -II are required courses made the new courses much more intensive than before. One immediate result of this innovation has been a very high attendance rate among students (90-100%). The coordination of 11 native and non-native language teachers in the Otsu program remains a controversial issue. A future report will examine the merits and demerits of the 1991 Otsu innovation in
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