AV教材の作成とその活用 : マイクロティーチングを通して学習指導分析の観点を定着させる試み
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The aim of this trial is to get the undergraduate students at the pre-service teacher education course to internalize through 'microteaching' some viewpoints for analyzing their own teaching activities in the classroom along with the learners' activities, and it is expected that by utilizing the results of the self-analysis followed by its self-evaluation they should establish some renewed objectives for the improvement of their classroom activities. This trial has been conducted since the academic year 1985 in the methodology classes of 'English as a Foreign Language', 'the Japanese Language', and 'the Social Studies', respectively. This paper deals with the trial conducted in the academic year 1986 in the three classes of 'Teaching English as a Foreign Language'. The subjects of the trial in the TEFL classes were 193 students altogether. 'Microteaching' in the TEFL classes was regarded as a part of the consecutive activities in 'causal sequence', which began with establishing aims and objectives of TEFL, and developed into working on a teaching material along with making a lesson plan, conducting a microlesson based on the plan, analyzing the microlesson along with its evaluation, and establishing renewed objectives for the following lesson. These consecutive activities, however, were practiced intermittently during the course of the academic year along with lectures on TEFL. In analyzing the teaching-learning process of a microlesson, emphasis was laid on viewpoints related to teacher-learner verbal interaction, and categories based on 'Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories' were used, which consist mainly of direct teacher statements, indirect teacher statements learner response, and learner initiative talk. 'Microteaching' in the TEFL classes was practiced according to the following procedure : 1 . Dividing each class into 7-10 groups, each group consisting of 6-8 students; 2 . Selecting in each group a student who assumes the role of the teacher in the microlesson and two students who record the teaching-learning process, the rest filling the roles of learners' 3 . Conducting in each class 7-10 microlessons, using the teaching material chosen from a junior high school textbook, each lesson being about 15 minutes' practice; 4 . Making in each group a quantitative analysis of the microlesson, using the above-mentioned interaction analysis categories; 5 . Making as an individual work an evaluation of the microlesson, utilizing the results of the analysis. In order to measure the degree of internalization by the students of the TEFL classes of the viewpoints related to teacher-learner interaction, the audio-visualized records of the first three microlessons in each class were shown to the students after the interval of about three months, as the pre-test, and once again about four months still afterwards, as the post-test. Both at the pre-test and at the post-test, the following investigation cards were given to each student : 1. An investigation card of Sentence Completion Test type, which consists of the following items; (1) 'AS for the learners' ideas, the teacher………' (2) 'AS for the learners' feeling, the teacher………' (3) 'The participation of the learners in the lesson………' (4) 'The questions given to the learners by the teacher……' (5) 'The directions given to the learners by the teacher……' (6) 'The leadership of the teacher……….' (7) 'The talking time of the teacher and that of the learners……….' (8) 'The time of silence or confusion……….' 2 . An investigation card of Semantic Differential Technique type on the students' images on the microlesson as a whole, which consists of the following pairs of adjectives; (1) 'fast-slow' (2) 'boring-interesting' (3) 'satisfactory-unsatisfactory' (4) 'variable-monotonous' (5) 'plain-difficult' (6)'1iberal-rigid' (7) 'cool-warm' (8) 'active- inactive' (9) ' eager-idle' (10) 'substantial-1acking' (11) 'polite-rough' (12) 'negative-positive' (13) 'successful-unsucc
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