社会教育施設におけるボランティア活動に関する研究 : 秋田県における公民館職員のボランティア活動に対する意識調査
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The purpose of the present paper is to report the results of the questionnaire administered to office workers working at kominkan or community centres in Akita.The questionnaire was intended to gather information the attitudes of the workers towards volunteer work. On the basis of the results, several proposals are put forward indicating a way of implementing the "volunteer work" course in a curriculum of life-long education.The questionnaire was sent to a total of 200 community centres in Septmber, 1995. The results of the questionnarire, of which response rate amounted to 89.5%, are summarised as follows; 1) 42.7% of the facilities were reportedly being used by volunteer workers on a regular basis; 2) there were two large group among the respondents ; one reported postive attitudes towards the voiunteer activities, while the other, negative; 3) the difference in attitudes of the two parties in 2) above seemed to be attributable to the presence or absence of the experience they had in the volunteer work; and, 4) the respondents were, overall, not familiar with the notion of "volunteer work in lifelong learning education". On the basis of the results, the following suggestions are advanced to implement a volunteer work course in a life-long education curriculum in a most effective way; l) before establishing a curriculum, it is important to identify the aspects of the volunteer work, which could be learned in a most effective way in the form of lifelong education; and, 2) a course should be implemented where office workers at kominkan are offered direct experience of working as volunteers.
- 聖霊女子短期大学の論文
- 1997-03-31
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