<研究報告>婦人衛生指導に関する基礎的研究(第1報) : 中学, 高校, 大学生の生理帯の使用状態について
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According to our survey, we concluded as follows: 1) Most of the girls (74.9%) have more than two sets of hygienic bands; others (21.4%) have only one set. The number of those who use black hygienic bands is 74% ; those who use bands in lighter color, 24.8%; those using bands in other tints, 0.5%. Panty-styled bands (91.2%) are more used than G-String style ones. 2) Many use those bands with a retraceable rubber coated strip that goes between the legs. Most of the girls have bands with woolen or nylon strips coated with rubber, while others (31.4%) have ones with rubber strips. 3) Almost all girls replace soiled sanitarybands twice or more than twice during the menstruation, but those who never replace amount to 21%. Sanitary napkins put on the rubber strip are replaced 4 or 5 times a day on an average. Most girls (46.6%) use as napkins coarse paper and cotton combined. 4) Most women are discontented with the existing hygienic bands and their rubber coated strips: rubber is apt to lose its elasticity, and to stick to the skin. It may be that the guidance for handling the menstruation has not been thoroughly carried out. It is evident that many points as to the quality of the material, fabric and the pattern of the sanitary shield are still to be contrived. Even the present home surroundings have caused some unhygienic status for this problem. We w^ht to keep studing on some subjects risen from our survey, and to trv to solve them from the point of'the school facilities.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1962-03-25
谷 寿代
谷 寿代
今雪 トミエ
今雪 美千恵
今雪 トミエ
花田 留美子
今雪 美千恵
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