"The Artist of the Bearutiful" : A Serious Attempt at Synthesis of the Worlds Within and Without by the Paradigm of Puer Aeternus
Shimizu Takeo
Department of English, Faculty of Education, Gunma University
清水 武雄
Department of English, Faculty of Education, Gunma University
Shimizu Takeo
Department Of English Faculty Of Education Gunma University
- Some Earlier Views of Processing Difficulty Associated with Multiply Center-Embedded Sentences
- Top-down Activities to Facilitate Bidirectional Reading Processing in the Japanese Lower Secondary E.F.L. Classroom
- College Students' Metacognitive Awareness of Global and Local Reading Strategies in Japanese as First Language and English as a Foreign Language
- Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales : Objects and the Spectators' Orientations
- Coping with Rhetoric: "Communication" and "International Understanding"
- "The Artist of the Bearutiful" : A Serious Attempt at Synthesis of the Worlds Within and Without by the Paradigm of Puer Aeternus
- A Practical Study of Ways to Improve English Listening Comprehension in High School