潮間帯岩礁にすむ巻貝の精子 : I.原始腹足目(軟体動物門腹足綱前鰓亜綱)
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Snails living in an intertidal rocky shore can be collected easily and are good materials for observing living spermatozoa.This paper described the seasons suitable for the observation of the spermatozoa, the advices on collecting the snails, the methods for the observations and the morphological characters of the spermatozoa of the common species in the Archaeogastropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) living in the intertidal rocky shore of the Pacific coast of the central and southern Japan. In the Archaeogastropoda, the sperm morphology of the snails in which fertilization is internal differs from that of the snails in which fertilization is external. Besides, the sperm morphology of the snails performing external fertilization can be classified into two types mainly from the shapes of the acrosomes. That is, the spermatozoa in the Archaeogastropoda can be classified into three types. The classification based upon the morphological characters of the spermatozoa coincides with that based upon the comparative anatomical characters. Therefore, it can be said that the snails in the Archaeogastropoda are good teaching materials for the observation of the sperm morphology, and for the explanation on the relations of sperm morphology to the type of fertilization and phylogeny.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 潮間帯岩礁にすむ巻貝の精子 : 2.中腹足目・新腹足目(腹足綱:前鰓亜綱)
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