Studies on Methods and Materials for Modern Scientific Education I. : Hypothetical Molecules for Understanding High Symmetry
- Graph-Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures XI. Application of the MOST-3SR names to Spiro Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
- Graph Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures X. Pentacyclo Tetradecadienes Formed by Cycloadditions in Twice between Two Tropilidenes
- Graph Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures IX. : Searchs for the Neighbourhood of Pentagonal Dodecahedrane
- Graph Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures VIII. Geometrical Shaping Operations to Design the Skeletons of Cage Compounds
- Graph Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures VII. Enumeration of Nonplanar Graphs and Desigh of Cyclic Hydrocarbon Molecules to Derived from Them
- Graph Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structure VI. Block-Connected Graphs Which Give Base for Classification and Representation of General Polycyclic Compounds
- Graph Theoretical Studies Molecular Structure V. Polycyclic Blocks and Bridged Polycyclic Compounds
- Theoretical Studies on Molecular Structures XV. Polygon-Belt Notation For Fullerenes
- Theoretical Studies on Molecular Structures XIV. An Automatic Generation System of Approximate Coordinates for Alicyclic Compounds
- Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures XIII.On a Notation for Geometrical Isomers of Tetraethylidenecyclobutane
- Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures X VI. A Method for Design of Molecular Structures of S_4 Symmetry
- Studies on Methods and Materials for Modern Scientific Education II. : Simple Helical Structures with Higher Dn Symmetry
- Studies on Methods and Materials for Modern Scientific Education I. : Hypothetical Molecules for Understanding High Symmetry
- Theoretical Studies of Molecular Structures XII. Some Propositions to Make Trivial Names More Structural with Indices