Associative binary relation and rootfinding methods (Computer Algebra : Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- Bifurcations for skew tent maps II : Renormalization :
- Projective Moduli Space for the Polynomials of Degree $n$ or Less (Computer Algebra : Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- Branch locus of polynomial maps (Problems on complex dynamical systems)
- Bifurcations of Nusse-Yorke's family in the quadratic rational functions(Complex Dynamics and Related Problems)
- 幾何学的手法によるNewton写像の収束鉢の幅の評価(数式処理における理論と応用の研究)
- 多項式のニュートン写像における鉢の幅について(カオスをめぐる力学系の諸問題)
- 一般化されたオイラーの定数について (Computer Algebra : Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- Associative binary operators for quadratic rational maps (Computer Algebra : Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- Associative binary relation and rootfinding methods (Computer Algebra : Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- On Definitions of Chaos (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)