Bifurcation of and ghost effect on the temperature field in the Benard problem of a gas in the continuum limit (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)
- Numerical examination of applicability of the linearized Boltzmann equation(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)
- 長方形断面の管を通る希薄気体のPoiseuille流と熱遷移流(流体とプラズマの諸現象の解析)
- 平面凝縮相から非凝縮性気体中への非定常蒸発流の気体論による数値解析
- H324 蒸発・凝縮を伴う円筒 Couette 流の解の分岐 II
- Flow induced around a sphere with a nonuniform surface temperature in a rarefied gas, with application to the drag and thermal force problems of a spherical particle with an arbitrary thermal conductivity(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in fluid and Pl
- AM05-10-005 無限小曲率の幽霊効果による平面ポワズイユ流からの縦ロール流の分岐(対流2,一般講演)
- Bifurcation of and ghost effect on the temperature field in the Benard problem of a gas in the continuum limit (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)
- 平面凝縮相から非凝縮性気体中への非定常蒸発流の気体論による数値解析II
- 気体論による垂直衝撃波の構造と相互作用の数値解析 (第29回真空に関する連合講演会プロシ-ディングス)
- 気体論による垂直衝撃波の構造と相互作用の数値解析