An inductive method for proving the transcendence of certain power series (Diophantine Problems and Analytic Number Theory)
- Transcendence of Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction and reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers (Number Theory and its Applications)
- Substitution in two letters and transcendence (Number Theory and its Applications)
- A vanishing theorem for Mahler functions (解析的整数論とその周辺)
- Jordan 標準形のわかり易い求め方
- An inductive method for proving the transcendence of certain power series (Diophantine Problems and Analytic Number Theory)
- Mahlerの方法の発展(解析的整数論)
- An application of Nesterenko's method to Mahler functions
- Algebraic independence of values of gap series
- ある種の巾級数値の代数的独立性の必要十分条件(超越数論とその周辺)
- 関数値の超越性に関するMahlerの問題について(Fourier Analysis on Arithmetical Sequences)