A GEOMETRIC APPROACH WITH APPLICATIONS TO PERIODICALLY FORCED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS IN THE PLANE (Qualitative theory of functional equations and its application to mathematical science)
Villari Gabriele
Dipartimento Di Matematica "u.dini" Universita Firenze
Zanolin Fabio
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita, Udine
Zanolin Fabio
Dipartimento Di Matematica E Informatica Universita Di Udine
Zanolin Fabio
Dipartimento Di Matematica E Informatica Universita Udine
- A GEOMETRIC APPROACH WITH APPLICATIONS TO PERIODICALLY FORCED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS IN THE PLANE (Qualitative theory of functional equations and its application to mathematical science)
- Boundary blow-up for some quasi-linear differential equations with indefinite weight (Variational Problems and Related Topics)