Semiclassical behavior of the scattering phase near a critical value of the potential (Integral representations and twisted cohomology in the theory of differential equations)
藤家 雪朗
藤家 雪朗
Ramond Thierry
Departement de Mathematiques, Universite Paris Sud
Ramond Thierry
Departement De Mathematiques Universite Paris Sud
- CONNECTION OF WKB SOLUTIONS AT A HYPERBOLIC FIXED POINT (Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics)
- An exact WKB method for 2×2 systems and applications(Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics)
- Resonances created by a conical intersection(New Trends and Applications of Complex Asymptotic Analysis : around dynamical systems, summability, continued fractions)
- XII. 双曲型不動点における超局所解の伝播(数理科学I,II,物質理学研究科)
- Exact WKB solutions at a regular singular point for 2×2 systems (Recent Trends in Exponential Asymptotics)
- Propagation of microlocal solutions near a hyperbolic fixed point (Microlocal Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis)
- WKB Method applied to Spectral Asymptotics (Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics)
- Microlocal WKB method applied to a simple well eigen-value asymptotics (Hyperbolic Equations and Irregularities)
- WKB solutions near a hyperbolic critical point (Nishikawa phenomena in Stokes graphs for higher order Painleve equations)
- Semiclassical behavior of the scattering phase near a critical value of the potential (Integral representations and twisted cohomology in the theory of differential equations)