<浦田昌計教授退官記念号><研究ノート>戦後日本の生協運動の概観 : イギリスの生協運動との比較
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Total number of the Co-operative societies in U.K. increased rapidly till the early years of 1890's and its maximum was 1455 in 1903. But thetotal number of individual members of the Co-operative societies increased steadily and many Co-operative societies grew up larger and larger, especially in the urban areas in the first half of 20th century. Since 1960 or so, the Movement has been in the declining stage. The market share of retail turnover, the number of Co-operative shops, and the Co-operative membership have been decreasing. This decline of the Co-operative Movement has mainly been pushed aside not by theindependent shopkeepers but by the expansion of multiples. The Co-operative Movement in Japan became popular after World War 11 and grew up rapidly during the period from 1960's to 1980's. Growth of Co-operative Movement after 1960 can be obserbed in the increase of members of local Co-operative societies. Number of local Co-operativesocieties increased slowly in the 1960's and rapidly from 1973 to 1977. Membership has been increasing continuously since 1960 except in 1979. Main purpose of these societies is to supply food to members, and the societies increased in number till 1977. And the share of food and joint buying in retail sales of local Co-operative societies expanded after 1960 until 1990. Total turnover increased until 1993, but then it reached a sort of plateau. Monthly purchase per member of the retail Co-operative societies has been decreasing after 1991, and the turnover of their retail sales also stopped increasing after 1993. Total number of individualmembers of societies is still increasing because of members of the consumers Co-operative societies.
- 岡山大学の論文
- 1997-03-00
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