テキスト的意味の付与について : 文脈指示における「この」と「その」の使い分けを中心に
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In this paper. Ⅰtry to clarify functional differences existing between the Japanese anaphoric determiners kono and sono. In order to address the problem I introduce the concept of "textual meaning." "Textual meaning" is assigned to a "definite information NP"(DINP)--an NP which stands in an anaphoric relationship with an antecedent(ANT)--when the semantic characteristics of the DINP and its ANT are the same. In Japanese, DINPs which are not assigned textual meaning are strictly marked with kono,while those which are assigned textual meaning are marked with either kono or sono(or not marked at all)depending on context.
- 大阪大学の論文